Tuesday, March 20

I came across a website...

This is heading a little bit off food as such but I believe that nutrition, particularly avoiding highly processed, packaged, posted foods is one of the easiest ways to start making positive changes to how you are treating and affecting your world. This little write up on this *website here* reminds me of a close friend who had a great paying job with a bazillion benefits. Unfortunately she felt as though her core values and beliefs were being compromised and eventually ended up leaving to pursue some dreams that were better suited to herself and the life she wanted to lead. Many of us may not have the financial ability to pursue our biggest dreams right now, or perhaps we need to do things first to get there. This article asks some questions that might help you to re-assess where you are right now and where you are heading. Is this really the best life that you think you are capable of leading? Are you being too lazy to consider your personal beliefs and values when it comes to your career? Perhaps, like the writer of the article, you think it's possible to separate your work life and your personal beliefs? Whatever your excuses are, I would like to challenge you to change one small thing in your life so that you are heading closer in the direction of where you want to be, where your beliefs, values and skills can be best used and appreciated. Even if this small thing is writing down your core values, establishing what your best assets and skills are and thinking about how you can use this in a positive way in your work life....  and as the beautiful Mahatma Gandhi said...